Screenshots instructions

Use this instruction to keep all the screenshots at the operator laptop


1. Download DropIt program:

2. Install it at the operator laptop.

3. Right Click DropIt button at the desktop.

4. Click “Associations”. “Manage Associations” window will appear.

5. Choose “Extract” in the dropdown menu. New Association will appear in the list.

6. Right Click Extract association and choose “Edit”. “Edit Association” window will appear.

7. Enter *.* at the Rules field.

8. Choose “Move” at the Action dropdown menu.

9. Choose destination folder. It’s the folder where you’ll keep all the screenshots.

10. Click “Save”.

11. Right Click DropIt button and choose “Options”, “Monitoring” tab.

12. Check “Enable scan of monitored folders”. Enter “10” at the Time interval field.

13. Share all the \cosmos\_Screenshots folders at the players PC so they were visible in the network.

14. Add these folders in the Monitored Folders list.

15. Click “Ok”.

16. Right Click DropIt button and choose “Hide”.

17. Check how it works. Add anything to the \cosmos\_Screenshots folder at the one of the players PCs. In a momoent it will appear at the destination folder.