Release notes

07.06.2018. — Alice version

Vive driver: latest

Oculus Runtime: latest

Nvidia driver: latest

SteamVR: latest


1. Changed:

  • now takes into account the growth of children in the game.
  • optimization of the "photon" server.

2. Fixed:

  • a bug with the frozen picture in the operator.
  • a bug with the disappearance of the image in the player's window (glitch).


19.03.2018. — Alice version 1.0.4beta

Vive driver: latest

Oculus Runtime: latest

Nvidia driver: latest

SteamVR: latest


1. Changed:

  • the load on the local network has been reduced.
  • optimization.
  • minor fixes.


22.11.2017. — Alice version 1.0.3beta

Vive driver: latest

Oculus Runtime: latest

Nvidia driver: latest

SteamVR: latest


1. Fixed:

  • a bug with the swords and fruits in the kitchen.
  • small visual bugs.


09.10.2017. — Alice version 1.0.2beta

Vive driver: latest

Oculus Runtime: latest

Nvidia driver: latest

SteamVR: latest


1. Changed:

  • task in the kitchen with fruits according to the principle of Fruit Ninja.

2. Fixed:

  • a bug with a stucked gears again and non-moving objects.


01.09.2017. — Alice version 1.0.1

Vive driver: latest

Oculus Runtime: latest

Nvidia driver: latest

SteamVR: latest


1. Changed:

  • the labyrinth is disabled again.
  • the number of puzzles depends on the number of players (Lake and Time Mechanism).
  • improved the effects of the activation of the Time Mechanism.

2. Added:

  • visually highlighted the inability to change the settings in the operator during the game.
  • the ability to select the "victim" for the guillotine in the operator's settings: flamingo or baguette.
  • the sounds of the wrong pressed piano keys.
  • new avatars of players.
  • additional buttons to help players in the operator during the game.

3. Fixed:

  • a bug with the loss of the sword.
  • a bug with the loss of the alarm clock
  • a bug with a stucked gears.
  • a bug with the loss of the key of the Duchess.
  • a lot of minor fixes.


11.07.2017. — Alice version 1.0.0beta2

Vive driver: latest

Oculus Runtime: latest

Nvidia driver: latest

SteamVR: latest


1. Added:

  • Chinese localization.


14.06.2017. — Alice version 1.0.beta

Vive driver: latest

Oculus Runtime: latest

Nvidia driver: latest

SteamVR: latest


1. Changed:

  • movement via teleport.
  • disabled labyrinth.
  • sound improved.

2. Added:

  • French localization.

3. Fixed:

  • different bugs.


05.04.2017. — Alice version 0.9.5.

Vive driver: latest

Oculus Runtime: latest

Nvidia driver: latest

SteamVR: latest